Swiss Medical Network Science and Innovation

Science and innovation are central to Swiss Medical Network’s activities. Investment in quality research is essential to ensure that diagnostic methods are constantly improved and that the most innovative and safest therapeutic solutions are implemented.

Genolier Innovation Network

The Genolier Innovation Network offers you and your institution a privileged insight into the research work of the Genolier Innovation Hub in cooperation with the clinics of the Swiss Medical Network. The network also promotes exchange between different players in the healthcare and research sector, links all aspects of the biomedical ecosystem and provides you with resources for innovation.

Genolier Innovation Network is free of charge to any institution or anyone who:

  • Has experience and expertise in a biomedical field;
  • Fulfils all ethical requirements in their research;
  • Wants to work in discourse, participate in meetings and commits to a certain time-period.

Join the Genolier Innovation Network today

Find out more about the mission and goals

President Genolier Innovation Network

The Genolier Innovation Network is headed by an expert of radio-oncology and nuclear medicine. Dr Jacques Bernier is Chief Science Officer of the Swiss Medical Network. He was a specialist in radio-oncology and nuclear medicine at the University of Liège in Belgium, as well as Head of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Clinique de Genolier and Medical Director of the Centre d'Oncologie des Eaux-Vives in Geneva from 2006 to 2019.

In 2010, he was honoured with the «Claudius Regaud Medal» by the European Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO). From 2016 to 2019, he was President of the Euro-Asian Association of Mastology - EURAMA, based in Milan. He was also Chairman of the Genolier Cancer Centre until 2019. And since 2023, the Genolier Innovation Network is under his leadership.

Ask him your questions about the programme

Chief of Clinical and Translational Research

Prof. Lana E. Kandalaft is the Chief of Clinical and Translational Research at Swiss Medical Network. With over a decade of leadership experience, she previously directed the Center of Experimental Therapeutics at CHUV, where she developed a comprehensive structure integrating clinical research, immunotherapy manufacturing, and analytical platforms within the oncology department. Her work focuses on advancing innovative therapies from the laboratory to clinical application.

Prof. Kandalaft has also held the position of Director of Clinical Translation at the Lausanne branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and serves as an Associate Professor at the University of Lausanne. She is an internationally recognized expert in clinical trial design, regulatory processes, translational research and most importantly cancer vaccine development with over 100 scientific publications to her name.

At the Genolier Campus, Prof. Kandalaft is leading the establishment of a center for clinical and translational research, which includes a Phase I trial unit to facilitate the development of groundbreaking treatments.

Science and Innovation

Swiss Medical Network has consolidated its research activities by founding «Science and Innovation». The activities of this new science platform are organised into four main areas:

  • The development of clinical and translational research programmes;
  • The promotion of agreements with academic circles and research institutions in Switzerland and internationally;
  • Strengthening the fundraising policy;
  • The expansion of further training and exchange in the education sector.

The latest findings are sent quarterly via newsletter. Subscribe to the Science and Innovation Newsletter here.

Science & Innovation Newsletter Winter 2024: Advances in biomedical research

Beyond emergence: the expanding role of Real-World Evidence in healthcare

High Rates of Organ Preservation in Rectal Cancer with Papillon Contact X-ray Radiotherapy: Results from a Swiss Cohort

Safety and performance of SPINEVISION's Hexanium®

Oscar Matzinger appointed Professor of Practice in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich

Medecine @ETH Day

Research programmes

Science and Innovation has decided to focus on several key areas: orthopaedics, oncology and ophthalmology to name a few.


Professor Guido Garavaglia, Head of Teaching and Research at Clinica Ars Medica, Gravesano, and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, developed an IT platform for the implementation of systematic PROM (Patient-Reported Outcome Measures) data collection for all types of clinical activities. 

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Dr Matti Aapro (Clinique de Genolier) published a large number of peer-reviewed articles in various domains of medical oncology. His numerous research programs in geriatric oncology, breast cancer management and supportive care bear witness to his experience in clinical research protocols and educational activities

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“With over 95 scientific publications since 2018, the Swiss Visio Montchoisi Glaucoma Research Centre has quickly become one of the most active centres in Switzerland (and one of the three most active centres in Europe) in this field.” Prof. K. Mansouri

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Scientific reports

Swiss Medical Network publishes an annual scientific report, presenting the strategies and operational aspects of the research carried out by the Group’s clinics, whether in the context of clinical research developed internally or in the context of programmes carried out in collaboration with external Swiss or international institutions or networks.

Scientific Report 2023

Scientific Report 2022

Scientific Report 2021

Scientific Report 2020

Scientific Report 2019

Strong collaborations in Switzerland and abroad

Swiss Medical Network’s clinical research programmes are conducted in close collaboration with leading organisations. In Switzerland, these include:

  • The Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)
  • AGORA: Flagship of the Swiss Cancer Center Léman (SCCL)
  • The Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)
  • The French-speaking oncology network
  • The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ)
  • The Swiss Cancer Clinical Research Group (SAKK)
  • The Biopôle in Lausanne
  • The SITEM StartUp Club in Bern
  • European Institute of Oncology in Milano, Italy

On an international scale, the Group works with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and academic institutions based in New York and Houston.

Genolier Campus

The Genolier Campus in the Health Valley allows for a new kind of research. The Genolier Campus is a place where research merges with practice and all players in the research and healthcare sector come together. The Clinique de Genolier, the Clinique Nescens and the Genolier Innovation Hub interact with each other here.

A world first

The Clinique Générale-Beaulieu's Radixact tomotherapy (the only tomotherapy radiotherapy equipment in Geneva) will now be fully controlled by Raysearch's RayCare. Considered a pioneer, the Clinique Générale-Beaulieu is the first clinic in the world to have fully integrated and used RayCare.

Symptom checker of Well

Clarify questions about your health: check symptoms, arrange doctor's appointments, order medication and much more. It's all very easy with the Well app.


"Parlons Santé", la chronique média du Réseau de l'Arc

Ateliers socio-esthétique avec La Roche-Posay

Gelungener Publikumsvortrag: Navigation, KI und Robotik im OP-Saal

Semaine internationale du glaucome

Infarctus chez les femmes : comprendre les signaux pour mieux les protéger

Mars Bleu – Et si l’on repensait le traitement du cancer du rectum ?



Training: managing the trunk and postural control

Medical conference

Fachvortrag: Neues aus der Knieendoprothetik

Public conference

Publikumsvortrag: Vitamine und Spurenelemente – Mangelerscheinungen erkennen und behandeln

Public event

Schizophrénie : regards croisés sur la maladie et son accompagnement

Public conference

Publikumsvortrag: Gemeinsam stark – Ganzheitliche Ansätze für Ihre Gelenkgesundheit

Medical conference

360° ophthalmology symposium

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About us

Medical infrastructure

Quality management




Board of Directors