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Quality management

Quality management is a supporting element for the Privatklinik Lindberg, which is seen as a strategic management and control instrument and is actively practised with the aim of ensuring a continuously high level of quality for our patients and stakeholders.

Privatklinik Lindberg meets the highest quality standards and at the same time strives to continuously improve. Independent third parties check compliance with the standards and provide suggestions for optimisation. Among other things, we regularly let ourselves be tested by «Swiss Leading Hospitals» and the ISO certification body, and in return receive a certificate of excellence confirming that we meet above-average quality standards.

Quality Policy Private Hospitals Swiss Medical Network -Region ZH, SH, SG
Sustainable quality management is a supporting element for the private clinics of the Swiss Medical Network Group in the Zurich, Schaffhausen and St. Gallen regions. The top management of the clinics fulfils its management obligation by ensuring that the principles of quality management are understood, promoted and applied in day-to-day operations. We understand quality as the balance between consistently best performance, economy, efficiency and effectiveness. We strive for excellence in everything we do. As a member of various institutions and associations (e.g. ANQ National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics or Swiss Leading Hospitals), we are committed to meeting the relevant standards at all times.

By systematically steering our activities, we create a permanent awareness of quality at all levels and continuously improve our services. We plan, maintain, review and improve our quality management according to the basic principles of ISO 9001:2015 and the control loop of the Deming model. We evaluate our development on the basis of the results from audits, customer surveys, measurements and recurring reviews by external certification bodies, e.g. within the framework of ISO 9001:2015. The effectiveness of the resulting measures is regularly reviewed.

More about our quality policy.

Patient satisfaction results 2023 (MECON): 

We are extremely pleased that 97.3 percent of our patients would recommend Privatklinik Lindberg to their friends and acquaintances.

97.3 percent of our patients rated the clinic as good or very good and 97 percent felt they were in good hands with us at all times. The basis for these results is the ongoing patient survey, which we implement with our independent, external partner «Mecon measure & consult GmbH». This evaluation reflects a consistently high level of satisfaction among our patients.


Our quality management is based on the following basic principles:

Customer orientation

Customer orientation, both towards our patients and towards our affiliated doctors, is at the heart of everything we do. At all levels, we respond to their needs individually and personally. The protection of personal data is ensured.

Resource orientation

The hospital management ensures that the necessary resources for all quality management activities are planned and provided in good time. The basis for this is the job planning and budgeting phase integrated in the annual cycle, as well as the planning of projects.

Employee orientation

The potential and specialist skills of our employees are promoted in a targeted manner. This enables us to ensure a consistently high level of service quality and also to ensure that employees identify strongly with the strategy and objectives of the hospital.

Process orientation

When implementing our quality management system, we pay attention to the process-oriented approach. With perfectly coordinated processes, we achieve high process efficiency, service quality and security. Clearly defined duties and responsibilities guarantee a structured handling of opportunities and risks and the management of further areas of action.

Result oriented

All quality management activities are geared towards achieving our strategic objectives and are supported by accompanying measures from comprehensive risk management. We offer services of the highest medical quality and professionalism. In doing so, we work in a goal-oriented manner and track selected metrics and key figures with regard to the interested parties in order to meet their requirements and needs.

Innovation oriented

As part of the Swiss Medical Network Group, we take advantage of opportunities to participate in or promote pilot projects, research projects and medical innovations. Findings from this are incorporated into our planning and task design. Employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and support their implementation.

Continuous improvement

The continuous and sustainable improvement and optimisation of our services is ensured by the quality management system. We continuously improve our processes, tools and outcomes through creative, innovative and learning-oriented activities. The hospitals have various established channels at their disposal for this purpose, e.g. audits, training courses, reporting platforms, measurements, suggestion schemes and surveys. The maintenance and further development of our quality management is ensured by a well-coordinated management team as well as various committees and specialist groups, which meet at regular intervals. This quality policy forms the basis of our quality planning. It is reviewed periodically and critically and adjusted if necessary.

Your rights and duties as a patient

A successful and safe stay in hospital also includes knowing your rights and obligations as a patient. This includes, for example, that you are informed comprehensively and understandably about the treatment options. That you are allowed to obtain a second opinion from another specialist before making a decision. Or that a chaplain can be consulted for support during your stay in hospital. On the other hand, as a patient you are obliged to provide the hospital staff with all the necessary information for planning and carrying out your treatment.

The Health Department of the Canton of Zurich has compiled a brochure with all the relevant information on your rights and obligations. You can read through this in full by clicking on the button below.

Information brochure «My rights and obligations - information on hospitalisation».


ISO 9001:2015 – Swiss Safety Center (SSC)

Some of our clinics are certified according to this standard, which is widely used and comparable both nationally and internationally. It shows the requirements that have to be implemented with regard to customer needs as well as product and service quality. The standard is thus a proven instrument for increasing the transparency of operational processes and subsequently optimising the efficiency of corporate performance. The annual review by the certification body SSC also ensures continuous and sustainable improvement of the management system.

For more information

Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

As a member clinic, we are committed to the highest quality standards in all areas of the clinic. Compliance with these standards is checked every two years by a neutral certification body and ensures that our above-average performance is maintained in the medium and long term. A combination of performance and development criteria encourages continuous improvement, thereby strengthening our role in quality assurance in the Swiss hospital landscape. The result is tangible quality for our patients, which can carry the «BEST IN CLASS» label.

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Privatklinik Lindberg is a member of the following professional associations


The competence centre for quality assessments in hospitals and clinics

The ANQ coordinates and implements standardised quality assessments in acute care, rehabilitation and psychiatry throughout Switzerland. The publicly published assessment results enable hospitals and clinics to further develop their quality in a targeted manner.

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SIRIS - Swiss Implant Register

Various registers have been introduced based on the national quality agreement between the ANQ and its member hospitals: the Swiss Hip and Knee Replacement Registry in 2012, the Spine Register in 2021 and SIRIS Shoulder in 2025. The aim of this data collection is to provide patients with the best possible care and to assess the long-term quality of implants and treatments. The results obtained also enable a quality comparison with other hospitals.

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Swissnoso is dedicated to reducing nosocomial infections and multidrug-resistant germs that can occur during a stay or treatment in a hospital. Practicable modules are offered in the area of surveillance and prevention. The Swiss Medical Network institutions continuously monitor possible cases of infection or the long-term course of wound healing and report these to Swissnoso. Useful data for quality control is generated and evaluated from this.

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Together with the employee organisations in the healthcare sector, H+ has developed an industry solution for the implementation of the legal provisions regarding occupational safety and health protection. This also includes regular hazard identification in the hospitals in order to reduce safety risks, create optimal working conditions for employees and prevent illnesses or accidents through sustainable absence management.

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Hygiene management

Hospital hygiene is one of the basic elements of successful hospitalisation. The central tasks of hospital hygiene and infection prevention include, on the one hand, the recognition, recording, analysis and prevention of nosocomial infections, infections acquired in hospital, and, on the other hand, the definition of prevention and improvement measures as well as their implementation in order to guarantee patient safety in the best possible way.
In order to be able to implement this in a goal-oriented manner, close cooperation between experts in hospital hygiene and infection prevention with the responsible link nurses of the departments, hospital hygienists and infectiologists is necessary. In addition, a regular exchange is maintained with external health care institutions, whose valuable support makes a significant contribution to the quality development of the hospital and to quality assurance in the treatment process.

Feedback or questions?

Do you have a concern, a wish for improvement or would you like to tell us something else that has struck you positively or negatively at our clinic? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your e-mail or you can contact the persons below directly.

Christine Reutlinger

Director operations Klinik Pyramide am See

Lorena Novoselec

Contact person for quality at Privatklinik Lindberg