Hôpital de La Providence

Dr. med. Arthur Grzesiak

Specialist in orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system, member FMH

Further accreditations (1)
  • Clinique Montbrillant

Contact me

Hospital (2)
Clinique Montbrillant
Rue de la Montagne 1
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds


Total hip replacement with a collarless polished cemented anatomic stem: clinical and gait analysis results at ten years follow-up. Grzesiak A, Aminian K, Lécureux E, Jobin F, Jolles BM. Int Orthop. 2014 Apr;38(4):717-24.

Presented orally: APOA 2012 New Delhi, EORS 2010 Davos. Poster : FBM 2012 Lausanne, EFORT 2011 Copenhagen

A randomised controlled clinical trial and gait analysis of fixed- and mobile-bearing total knee replacements with a five-year follow-up. Jolles BM, Grzesiak A, Eudier A, Dejnabadi H, Voracek C, Pichonnaz C, Aminian K, Martin E. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012 May;94(5):648-55.

Presented orally: AAOS 2012 San Francisco, SSO 2012 Basel, APOA 2012 New Delhi, EFORT 2012 Berlin, SOFCOT 2011 Paris. Poster : ISTA 2012 Sydney, FBM 2012 Lausanne

Lead author of 2 chapters in "AO Manual of Infection" in print

Work Experience

2013 - 2015

Senior Registrar, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, 3 months prosthetic hip, 12 months septic surgery, 6 months shoulder


Assistant Doctor, Prosthetic Hip, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne

2012 - 2013

Head of Clinic, Orthopaedics Department, Hôpital de la Providence, Neuchâtel

2011 - 2012

Deputy Head of Clinic, Traumatology Department, Hôpital Pourtalès, Neuchâtel

2008 - 2011

Assistant doctor, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne


Assistant doctor, hand surgery, Clinique de Longeraie, Lausanne

2007 - 2008

Assistant doctor, traumatology/orthopaedics, Hôpital d'Yverdon-les-Bains, Yverdon-les-Bains

2006 - 2007

Assistant doctor, orthopaedics, Hôpital de la Providence, Neuchâtel

2005 - 2006

Assistant doctor, general surgery, Hôpital Pourtalès, Neuchâtel



Postgraduate qualification FMH, Practising physician


Postgraduate qualification FMH, Specialist in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system

2002 - 2006

Research work and scientific thesis (doctorate) in anaesthesia on EEG-guided general anaesthesia, University of Bonn, Germany


State Diploma in Medicine, University of Bonn, Germany

2003 - 2004

Clinical training in Sierre and at Grenoble University Hospital, France

1998 - 2004

Medical studies, University of Bonn, Germany

2001 - 2002

ERASMUS student, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rennes, France (2 semesters)


Scientific baccalaureate, Max-von-Laue secondary school in Koblenz, Germany

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