Independent practitioner at the heart and kidney practice in Schaffhausen
Specialist in nephrology and general internal medicine, member of FMH
Herz- und Nierenpraxis Schaffhausen
Rheinstrasse 20
8200 Schaffhausen
Independent practitioner at the heart and kidney practice in Schaffhausen
Independent practitioner at the heart and kidney practice in Schaffhausen
Head of dialysis at Privatklinik Lindberg
Senior physician for nephrology and general internal medicine at the hospitals in Schaffhausen
Specialist in nephrology at the Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e. V. Bad Kreuznach
Resident in Medical Clinic II (nephrology, cardiology, intensive care and emergency medicine, gastroenterology) at St Mark's Hospital Frankfurt am Main (FDK)
Resident at Medical Clinic 2 (Gastroenterology, Oncology, Infectiology) at the Municipal Hospitals Frankfurt a.M.-Höchst
Professional Association of Swiss Physicians (FMH)
Swiss Society for General Internal Medicine (SGAIM)
Swiss Society for Nephrology (SGN-SSN)
Swiss Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (SGUM-SSUM)
International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
German Hypertension League e.V. (DHL)®
Swiss Hypertension Society (SHG)
European Federation Of Societies For Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology (EFSUMB)
Supervisor module abdominal sonography (SGUM)
Certificate of competence in sonography (SGUM) MEBEKO recognition of medical diploma, FA nephrology and general internal medicine
Hypertensiologist of the German Hypertension League (DHL®) Specialist title in nephrology (LÄK Hessen)
Specialist in general internal medicine (LÄK Hessen)
State examination and licence to practise medicine at the University of Mainz
Practical year at the Westpfalzklinikum Kaiserslautern and in transplant surgery at Semmelweis University Hospital Budapest
Studied human medicine at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Internships: Texas Heart Institute Houston (TX/USA), Semmelweis University Hospital Budapest, Cardiological Intensive Care Unit/Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory at Mainz University Hospital and Dialysis Centre at Brandt Mainz