Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Dimitrios Samaras

Specialist in general internal medicine and geriatrics, Member of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH)
Clinical nutritionist


Contact me

Hospital (1)
Dr Dimitrios Samaras
Avenue Eugène Pittard-34
1206 Genève

Work Experience

since 2012

Medical practice, Accredited physician, Consultant for the Internal medicine unit, Clinique Générale Beaulieu
Consultant, Nutrition unit, Speciality department, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève

2014 - 2015

Consultant nutritionist, Centre d’Oncologie des Eaux-Vives, Geneva.


Consultant nutritionist, Centre for internal medicine and related specialisms, Clinique La Colline, Geneva.

2012 - 2013

Associate Physician, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Speciality department, Nutrition unit.

2011 - 2012

Chief resident, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Speciality department, Nutrition unit.

2009 - 2011

Chief resident, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Internal medicine, rehabilitation and geriatrics department, Hôpital des Trois-Chêne.

2008 - 2009

Junior doctor, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Community health department, Medical polyclinic.

2006 - 2008

Junior doctor, Internal medicine department, Hôpital du Jura.

2004 - 2006

Junior doctor, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Rehabilitation and geriatrics department, Hôpital des Trois-Chêne.

2003 - 2004

Junior doctor, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Psychiatric unit, Geriatric psychiatric department.


Acting resident, Gerontology and geriatrics department of the Clinique du Diaconat, Groupe Hospitalier Privé du Centre Alsace.



ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery) certificate.


Certificate of specialised training in geriatrics.


Diploma from the ABAARM (American Board of Anti-Aging / Regenerative Medicine), USA.


Certificate from the 19th IOF Advanced Training Course on Osteoporosis held in Lyon, France in February 2010.


FMH certification in internal medicine


ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) diploma


Diplôme inter-universitaire in nutrition of the elderly, Faculty of medicine, Pierre and Marie Curie University, France.


Diplôme inter-universitaire in systemic rheumatic diseases, Faculty of medicine, Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg.


Certificate in gerontology from the University of Geneva.


Medical degree, Faculty of medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.

Handouts Presentations

Presentations at conferences

35th ESPEN Convention, Leipzig, Germany, September 2013. Poster presentation : D. Samaras, C. Pison, N. Cano,H. Lejeune, H. Roth, C. Pichard. Adequate selection of chronic respiratory failure malnourished patients may improve clinical outcomes and efficiency of a multimodal intervention: a posthoc analysis of a PRCT

Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Bordeaux, France, December 2013. Poster presentation: J. Fournier, J. Mareschal, D. Samaras, P. Rigoli, L. Genton, H. Vees, L. Soguel Alexander: Raisons du refus de la pose d’une sonde naso-gastrique d’alimentation chez les patients atteints d’un cancer ORL traités par radiothérapie: Preliminary study.

Annual conference of the Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie, Paris, October 2012. Poster presentation: Samaras N, Frangos E, Samaras D. Renutrition in older patients: the importance of hormonal monitoring, illustrated by a case study.

9th annual convention « European Menopause and Andropause Society »Athènes, Mars 2012. Poster presentation: Samaras N, Samaras D. Hormonal profile after intravenous renutrition of a geriatric patient.

Annual convention of the « Gerontological Society of America », Boston November 2011. Poster presentation: Samaras N, Samaras D. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for Depression Screening in Elderly Inpatients in a Memory Consultation.

Annual convention of the « European Union Geriatric Medicine Society », Malaga September 2011. Poster presentation: Rossi C, Samaras N, Samaras D. «Tophaceous Gout and Bone Destruction as the First Symptom of Hyperuricemia in an Elderly Woman. A Case Report.»

Annual Convention of the American Geriatric Society, National Harbor MD May 2011. Poster presentation: Samaras D, Frangos E, Adamopoulos D, Samaras N. «Lingua villosa nigra in a geriatric patient».

7th European Convention of the ”International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics” (IAGG), April 2011. Poster presentation : Samaras D, Samaras N, Rossi G, Coti Bertrand P, Lesourd B. « Comparison of the inter-observatory reproducibility of two different methods of dietary assessment in a geriatric ward ».

Annual Convention of the American Geriatric Society, Orlando May 2010. Poster presentation : Samaras D, Samaras N, Rossi G, Coti Bertrand P, Lesourd B. « Comparison of the inter-observatory reproducibility of two different methods of dietary assessment in a geriatric ward ».

Annual Panhellenique medical convention, Athens, Greece, May 2001. Oral Presentation: ‘Association of allelic loss at fhit locus and P53 alterations with tumour kinetics and chromosomal instability in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinomas’.

Other presentations

November 2017
55th Swiss continuous professional development course: Nutrition in surgery and intensive care.
– Perioperative nutrition
– Monitoring of nutritional condition and artificial nutrition

April 2017
54th Swiss training course in nutrition: Oncology and nutrition.
– Constipation and diarrhoea: dietary fibre and medication
– Clinical cases: Group presentation

March 2017
Host of the 29th Geneva Day of Clinical Nutrition at the Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève: “Do young people have a place in medicine? Is there a need to adapt treatment schemes?”

November 2016
Chronic respiratory failure and nutrition; Fresenius Kabi Symposium. Appetite and chronic inflammation.

November 2016
53rd Swiss continuous professional development course: Nutrition in surgery and intensive care
– Perioperative nutrition
– Monitoring of nutritional condition and artificial nutrition

April 2016
52nd Swiss training course in nutrition: Oncology and nutrition.
– Constipation and diarrhoea: dietary fibre and medication.
– Clinical cases: group presentation and discussion.

March 2016
28th Geneva day of Clinical Nutrition at the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève: “Vitamins and oligoelements: Interactions with medication”.

November 2014
Developments in oncology in 2014; Fresenius Kabi Symposium: Young people and cancer.

November 2014
CPD, Hôpital du Jura: “Vitamins and oligoelements: Interactions with medication”.

October 2014
49th Swiss continuous professional development course: Nutrition in surgery and intensive care.
– Perioperative nutrition
– Monitoring of nutritional condition and artificial nutrition

January 2014
Ligue Pulmonaire Genevoise: Testosterone in BPCO patients

May 2013
46th Swiss training course in nutrition: Oncology and nutrition
– Enteral nutrition and monitoring
– Nutritional monitoring: Clinical and biological screening

March 2013
25th Geneva Day of Clinical Nutrition
– Testosterone and nutrition

February 2013
Forum on wounds: All aspects of wounds, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne
– The benefits of certain amino acids for muscles

December 2012 and January 2013
Training programme for pharmacy assistants, Groupement des Pharmaciens Hospitaliers Romands
– The history of nutrition
– The nutrition team: getting on at work and at mealtime

November 2012
Training programme, Antenne de Diététiciens Genevois:
– Youth: matter in a vacuum?

October 2012
45th Swiss training course in nutrition: Surgery and intensive care:
– Perioperative nutrition
– Monitoring of nutritional condition and artificial nutrition

July 2012
Training programme, Hôpital de Beau-Séjour: A better understanding of screening and treatment for malnutrition

June 2012
Training programme, Clinique de Joli-Mont: Malnutrition

April 2012
44th Swiss training course in nutrition: Oncology and Nutrition
– Constipation and diarrhoea: dietary fibre and medication
– Clinical cases: group presentation and discussion

March 2012
24th Geneva Day of Clinical Nutrition: Software to assist with nutritional prescriptions

March 2012
Training programme, Clinique de Joli-Mont: Prevention of osteoporosis: a private affair

September 2011
Scientific colloquium of the Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics: Vitamin D: When and How?

May 2011
Presentation for the Geriatrics Association: Vitamin D: When and How?

November 2010
Scientific colloquium of the Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics: Orthostatic and postprandial hypotension

March 2010
Presentation for the Geriatrics Association: Pharmacological treatment of behaviour disorders in demented patients.

July 2006
Scientific colloquium of the Department of Rehabilitation and Geriatrics: Postprandial Hypotension



since 2014

Board Certificate of the ABAARM (American Board of Anti-Aging / Regenerative Medicine)



Clinical protocols
Rizzoli René, Trombetti Andrea, Samaras Dimitrios, Hars Mélany, Sigaud-Guillermet Anne et Merminod Fanny; Evaluation d'un supplément nutritionnel par voie orale contenant de l'AN777 chez les personnes souffrant de malnutrition ou fragiles (Dpt: Spécialités de Médecine; Maladies osseuses; 2010, Protocole No: 10-175) Decision: Accepted on: 08.04.11
Trombetti Andrea, Samaras D, Rossi G, Petropoulos IK, Samaras N, Carmona G, Herrmann FR, Rizzoli René et Ferrari Serge; 2006 (06-161); Influence de simulateurs de cataracte sur la variabilité de paramètres de marche chez l'adulte jeune. (Dpt: Réhabilitation et Gériatrie Maladies osseuses, Protocole No: 06-161) Accepted on: 07.07.06
Samaras N, Papadopoulou MA, Samaras D, Ongaro F. Off-label use of hormones as an antiaging strategy: a review. Clin Interv Aging. 2014 Jul 23;9:1175-86 IF 1.8
Samaras N, Samaras D, Chambellan A, Pichard C, Thibault R. Pulmonary rehabilitation: the reference therapy for undernourished patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:248420. IF 2.7
Samaras N, Samaras D, Frangos E, Forster A, Philippe J. A review of age-related dehydroepiandrosterone decline and its association with well-known geriatric syndromes: is treatment beneficial? Rejuvenation Res. 2013 Aug;16(4):285-94. IF 3.9
Lang PO, Samaras N, Samaras D, Aspinall R. How important is vitamin D in preventing infections? Osteoporos Int. 2012 Nov 17. [Epub ahead of print]. IF 4.58
Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Genton L, Frangos E, Pichard C. Effects of widely used drugs on micronutrients: a story rarely told. Nutrition. 2013 Apr;29(4):605-10.IF 3.02
Samaras N, Forster A, Frangos E, Samaras D. La prévention de la démence. Quel est le rôle de l’exercice? NPG (accepted, pending publication).  (no IF)
Forster A, Samaras N, Notaridis G, Samaras D. Evaluation et dépistage des troubles de la déglutition. NPG (accepted, pending publication). (no IF)
Samaras N, Samaras D, Lang PO, Forster A, Pichard C, Frangos E, Meyer P. A view of Geriatrics through hormones. What is the relation between andropause and well-known geriatric syndromes? Maturitas. 2012 Dec 27. [Epub ahead of print] IF 2.77
Samaras N, Frangos E, Forster A, Lang PO, Samaras D. Andropause: A review of the definition and treatment. Eur Ger Med. Epub Sep 2012. IF 0.57
Lang PO, Samaras D, Samaras N. Testosterone replacement therapy in reversing «andropause »: What is the proof of principle? Rejuvenation Res. 2012 Jun 1. [Epub ahead of print] IF 4.2
Lang PO, Samaras D, Samaras N, Aspinall R. Influenza vaccination in the face of immune exhaustion: Is herd immunity effective for protecting the elderly? Influenza Research and Treatment (accepté, en voie de publication) (pas encore accessible au Pubmed, pas encore indexé)
A. Forster, N. Samaras, G. Gold, D. Samaras, Oropharyngeal dysphagia in older adults: A review. Eur Ger Med 2011 Dec ;6 (2) :356-362 (pas encore accessible au Pubmed) IF 0.57
Lang PO, Samaras D, Aging adults and seasonal influenza : Does the vitamin D status (h)arm the body?  J Aging Res [Epub ahead of print]. (Accessible au Pubmed depuis 2010, pas encore indexé)
Samaras N, Chevalley T, Samaras D, Gold G.  Older patients in the emergency department: a review. Ann Emerg Med. 2010 Sep;56(3):261-9. Review. IF 4.23
Letters in journals on editorial policy
Samaras N, Schneider A, Frangos E, Forster A, Samaras D. A rare case of adrenal insufficiency induced by inhaled corticosteroids. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 May;61(5):841-2. IF 3.9
Samaras D, Braudé P, Huber O, Pichard C. Subcutaneous migration of a central veinous catheter. Clin Nutr. 2013 Aug;32(4):666-7 IF 3.9
Forster A, Assir N, Notaridis G, Samaras D, Samaras N. Mycobacterial arthritis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Oct;60(10):1976-8 IF 3.9
C. Soroken, N. Samaras, D. Samaras, P. Huber, An unusual case of cholecystitis and liver abscesses in an elderly patient. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Jan ;60(1) :160-1. IF 3.9
Articles and letters in journals on editorial policy
Samaras N, Samaras D, Frangos E, Forster A. [Dementia prevention: potential treatments and how to target high-risk patients]. Rev Med Suisse. 2013 May 22;9(387):1116-9. French.
Samaras N, Samaras D, Lang PO, Bridevaux PO, Gex G, Janssens JP, Pichard C. Broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive: risques et bénéfices d’un traitement de testostérone. Rev Med Suisse Oct 2012, (Accessible on PubMed, not indexed)
Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Genton-Graf L, Pichard C. Statut en vitamines et en oligo-éléments : impact des médicaments. Rev Med Suisse 6 June 2012;8(344):1229-36 (Accessible on PubMed, not indexed)
Samaras D, Carmona G, Vischer U, Perrenoud JJ. [Postprandial hypotension: an unclear clinical entity] Rev Med Suisse. 2006 Nov 1;2(85):2456-8, 2460-1. (Accessible on PubMed, not indexed)


Find all of Dr Samaras’ media appearances on his personal site

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