Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Stéphanie Seidler

Specialist in operative gynaecology and breast cancer surgery

Further accreditations (1)
  • Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Contact me

Hospital (2)

Clinique de Genolier
Route du Muids 3
1272 Genolier


S. Seidler, D. Huber, Sertoli-Leydig cell ovarian tumors: is endocrine-sparing surgery an option upon relapse?Gynecologic Oncology Reports, 2020

S. Seidler, D. Huber, Cancer du sein chez la femme jeune: considérations particulières et implications pratiques, Revue Médicale Suisse, édition Cancer, 2020

S. Seidler, D. Huber, Review of diagnosis and management of breast cancer among young women, EC Gynecology, special edition on reviews, 2020

S. Seidler, D. Huber, Breast metachronous carcinoma and sarcoma in a young patient leading to the diagnosis of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Oncogen, 2019

S. Seidler, Cancer du sein chez la femme jeune, Présentation pour la formation continue, Sion, 2019

S. Seidler, S. Shabanov, A. Andres, W. Karenovics, JM Wenger, N. Pluchino, Diaphragmatic endometriosis: multidisciplinary treatment, JMIG, 2018

S. Seidler, C. Busuioc, PY Lovey, D Huber, Gynecological lymphomas: case reports and literature review of primary extra-nodal female genital tract and breast non Hodgkin lymphomas, Archives in Cancer Research, 2018

S. Seidler, S. Malekzadehlashkariani, N. Schneider, C. Constantin, Uterine artery embolization for postpartum hemorrhage: 10 year experience in a tertiary hospital, Congrès de la Société Suisse de Radiologie, Lausanne, 11.05.2018

S. Seidler, D. Huber, Caractéristiques immunohistopathologiques du cancer du sein chez la femme jeune, Congrès Romand de Gynécologie et obstétrique, Montreux, 2018, Prix pour la présentation orale

S. Seidler, S. Shabanov, JM Wenger, N. Pluchino, Endométriose diaphragmatique: prise en charge multidisciplinaire,

S. Shabanov, JM Wenger, S.Seidler, N. Pluchino, Quand le sexe fait mal au couple: le cas particulier de l’endométriose, in Revue Médicale Suisse, 2017

S. Seidler, S. Malekzadehlashkariani, C. Constantin, N. Schneider, Embolization des artères utérines: 10 ans d’expérience à l’Hôpital du Valais, Groupement romand de Gynécologie et obstétrique, Montreux, 16.11.2017

S. Seidler, R. Lopez, O.Irion, Classification Robson des césariennes aux HUG en 2014 et au Jura en 2015, Groupement romand de Gynécologie et obstétrique, Montreux, 18.11.2016

S. Seidler, D. Lebowitz, H. Müller, Péricardite constrictive chronique: étiologies, diagnostic et traitement, in Revue Médicale Suisse, 2015

Work Experience


Registered doctor at Valais Hospital

2019 - 2020

Sessional physician, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris

2017 - 2019

Chief resident, Hôpital du Valais

2016 - 2017

Junior doctor, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève 

2015 - 2016

Junior doctor, Hôpital du Jura

2013 - 2015

Junior doctor, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève


  • FMH
  • SSGO (Société Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique)
  • SVM (Société Vaudoise de Médecine)
  • AMGe (Association des Médecins du Canton de Genève)
  • ESGO (European Society of Gynecological Oncology) / ENYGO (European Network of Young Gynae Oncologists)
  • ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology) / EYSAC (ESSO Young Surgeons and Alumni Club)
  • ESO (European School of Oncology)
  • OPBC (Oncoplastic Breast Consortium)
  • EEL (European Endometriosis League)
  • Femmes et Sports d’Elite network
  • Licence to practice medicine covered by mandatory medical insurance in Vaud and Geneva
  • Board of the Ordre des Médecins de la Ville de Paris


Specialised training in operative gynaecology and senology

Fellow of the Euopean board of Sugery (FEBS) in Breast Sugery (2021)

Oncoplastic and endoscopic surgery




Pre-intermediate course in robotic gynaecological oncology surgery IRCAD


Certificate in Endoscopic Surgery vNOTES


Advanced course in oncoplastic breast surgery, Institut Curie, Paris

2020 - 2021

Diplôme inter-universitaire in general and multidisciplinary approach to treatment of endometriosis and adenomyosis, Bordeaux


Modern techniques for treating severe endometriosis, IRCAD Strasbourg


Robot training, Intuitive Surgical, Aubonne


Diploma from the Société Suisse de Sénologie


Advanced course in ultrasound of the breast, Basel

2017 - 2018

Diplôme inter-universitaire européen in gynaecological oncology and breast cancer, Paris Descartes University


Course in laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery


Diplôme inter-universitaire in ultrasound for gynaecology and obstetrics, Strasbourg


Certificat d’études avancées in maternal and foetal medicine, University of Geneva

2007 - 2013

Faculty of medicine, University of Geneva


  • Conference of the Société Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique, Interlaken, June 2018, Award for video presentation,
  • Conference of the Association Romande de Chirurgie Coelioscopique, Lausanne, April 2018, Award for video presentation,
  • Groupement Romand de Gynécologie et Obstétrique, Montreux, November 2017, Award for the best video presentation


The Centre du Sein SMN has successfully renewed its national certification!

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